类型:剧情 / 地区:德国 / 年份:2021
主演:Lena Ackermann,Anke Bak,Theresa Bak,Alexandra Batten,Edward
导演:Jonas Bak
简介:入圍第71屆柏林電影節德國電影眡角單元。 As she enters retirem入圍第71屆柏林電影節德國電影眡角單元。 As she enters retirement, a mother leaves behind her solitary life in rural Germany and memories of a once perfect family life and travels to protest-ridden Hong Kong, a place that has kept her son away from her for many years.视觉效果是这部影片的一大亮点,每个场景都经过精心设计,宛如一幅幅美丽的画作。虽然剧情发展有时稍显拖沓,但视觉享受让人着迷。 >>更多关于木与水详情